Tony and Michelle Purtell

Since joining in 2018, Michelle and Tony exemplify compassion and a deep commitment to every member of our Brave Hearts community.  They have actively participated on fundraiser committees, on many Bunnings BBQs, working bees, club regattas, recruitment drives, and our Dragon Boat Community Regattas.  Both have shown dedication by taking on Dragon Boat Club committee roles - Tony as Property Officer to oversee the maintenance and repair of equipment, and Michelle as Team Manager and recently as a Coach and Sweep.

They are the kind of people who are always willing to lend a hand and raise public awareness of Brave Hearts. They both initiated fundraisers for Brave Hearts on the Murray Inc. by raising $9,333. Michelle grew and sold sunflowers and seeds, Tony shaved off his beard and hair in 2021, and Michelle cut off her long tresses at the Cow Pat Lotto in 2023.

Tony and Michelle have quietly supported fellow members in many ways, demonstrating a strong love for our Brave Hearts family. They gave knee rugs with a picture of our ceremonial boat to those members going through cancer treatment, built a platform for our sweep to use when preparing for regattas, made foam covers to transport dragon boat members’ paddles to regattas, and provided financial support to other members who could not make advance payment of their fees.

We are thankful for Tony’s passion for photography, which has given us a treasure trove of memories. Michelle and Tony’s community minded spirit shines through as they promote  Brave Hearts on the Murray Inc. and represent our values in the most positive light. Their dedication makes them truly deserving recipients of a Silver Heart Award.